Following a routine batch test carried out by Which?, one clause of the required British Standard testing failed after a period of time on one unit. This is despite full testing and passed reports prior to supplying products to our customers. Red Kite have immediately sought advice from Trading Standards. We have jointly concluded that the risk of any accident is very low especially as this model has only been in use for a limited period of time.
We have already been in contact with the manufacturing factory and we are aiming to have replacement sections that will be further tested and sent to the UK. We will then be in contact with all customers to arrange a collection and our experienced fitters will carry out an in house repair with a safe and complete replacement part. Your product will then be returned to you fully warrantied.
We hope this will happen within the next few weeks, but are reliant on the required parts being produced and tested and then sent to the UK.
Red Kite regards all matters relating to product safety with complete importance and priority. All of our Red Kite products are rigorously tested to check for safety compliance, reliability and durability and all Red Kite products are fully tested to the required standards by fully accredited independent safety laboratories.
The Push Me Dubl Stroller has been fully tested and passed the appropriate test BS EN 1888 – 1: 2018 through an accredited test laboratory.
As soon as the replacement parts are available, we will contact you again to arrange the free of charge collection and replacement fitting.
We want to extend our sincere apologies for any inconvenience or worry this may cause you and want to reassure you that Red Kite care about your baby’s safety and well-being at all times.
Should you wish to discuss this matter further please contact our service line: David Barnes - Service Manager -

Push Me Dubl
Update 12 May 2022
We are pleased to update that we have now started to contact customers to arrange their replacement part fitting.
Please also feel free to contact us directly on 01454 326 568 or e mail David Barnes - Service manager at if you would like to book or discuss your repair.
The Red Kite Service Team